past life age regression therapist

Pain Management Hypnosis

Consider this typical example: a baseball player sustains an injury in the middle of game and continues playing. It’s discovered that the player had an actual break or serious fracture, but still continued playing.

That is the strong effect of “mind influencing the perception of pain.”

The mind was preoccupied with something else: in this instance, the player was deeply involved in the playing of the game, and the pain was not perceived by the mind.

That is the perfect explanation of how hypnosis works: a focus on other thoughts and imageries which will decrease the unpleasant thoughts or physical symptoms.

Hypnosis involves reprogramming the mind, encouraging change, and relief from pain will follow.

Suggestions given during hypnosis for pain management will work on:

  • Identifying the Source of the Pain
  • Releasing and relieving emotions or feelings associated with pain
  • Finally, eliminating the pain

Hypnosis and Pain Management:

Your body has a miraculous system of pain management which hypnosis can access and activate. Endorphins produced by the pituitary glands and hypothalamus, are the body’s natural pain killers, and with the proper suggestions, the appropriate neurotransmitter go to work, and pain is reduced.

These endorphins are typically produced during exercise (AKA “the runner’s high), being in love which creates adrenalin, and during sex.

Hypnosis provides relief to the client who suffers from chronic pain and illness, taking them from a state of almost constant discomfort to wellness. Chronic pain is decreased, and some report becoming pain-free through the use of making simple alterations to the thought process.

My New Jersey Pain Management Hypnosis Program will:

  • Identify the source of your pain
  • Release the emotions associated with the pain
  • Relieve the feelings associated with the pain
  • Finally, eliminate the pain once and for all

Hypnosis has proven more effective than biofeedback, relaxation, cognitive behavioral therapy, acupuncture and morphine in treating acute and chronic pain.*

And, hypnotic techniques have provided relief of the pain associated with burns, cancer, invasive medical procedures, headaches, musculoskeletal conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, and fibromyalgia. **

Hypnosis has demonstrated particularly useful in reducing cancer pain, including bone marrow transplant pain and coping with invasive procedures associated with cancer treatment.***

How does pain managment hypnosis work:

Your body produces chemicals called endorphins, which is just like morphine. These endorphins block out negative feeling and create good feelings. (Think of that “runner’s high” – that is the endorphins at work). When there is pain, your nerve endings send messages to your spinothalamic tract. These nerve endings receive their messages from sensations that affect your body. The sensations activate the nerve endings which then transmit the messages to the spinothalamic tract, a pathway through your spinal cord.

Within the spinal cord, there are fibers that transmit the message to your neurons which transmit the information to your thalamus.

There are four main categories of messages: pain, itch, touch and temperature. (Have you ever hurt yourself and felt that initial numbness before the pain kicks in? You can thank your endorphins for that little delay between the injury itself, and the sensation of pain that follows.)

While the nerve endings are sending their messages to your spinal cord, your body releases its natural morphine (endorphins) which slow down the next pain message to your thalamus.

Pain Management Hypnosis raises the body’s level of endorphins.

And as the natural pain relief is present, hypnotic suggestions are being sent to the subconscious. As the physical relief of pain is successful, your mental reaction to pain is decreasing as well.

It is truly miraculous how the mind and body work together to manage pain. As your body feels less pain, your mind’s sensitivity to pain is lessened and the body is ready to begin embracing the inner positive messages of pain relief.

Your subconscious assures you that you are not feeling pain and the release of endorphins ensures that pain is diminished. (Another variation of this is the use of hypnosis to accelerate the healing process and manage the pain from hospital procedures and surgeries. Consider this for yourself or suggest it to someone you know who may be in need of this healing therapy.

Robert Galarowicz ND
Pain Management Hypnosis
Paramus, New Jersey

* Comparative efficacy studies have demonstrated that 75% of those who use hypnosis experiencing some relief of pain;Patterson & Jensen, 2003

** Haanen et al., 1991; Lynch, 1999; Montgomery et al., 2000

*** Ernst, 2001; Handel, 2001; Lynch, 1999; Marchioro et al., 2000; Pattison, 1997; Renouf, 1998